Juke Box Fury – semi final 2 rehearsals part two


As we gather again and sample some more “delights”

Macedonia (former thingy of somewhere)

I’m probably one this song’s biggest fans. Much like last year though, Macedonia have turned a rock song into a piece of choreography. Whilst it’s not as gut wrenchingly awful as last year, it does take away from the song somewhat and what the hell is the megaphone for? This Eurovision is starting to leave me perplexed and confused. Macedonia are automatically disadvantaged by the new semi final rules that were created to scupper them. It’s a good effort and a nice song but it ain’t gonna get a Saturday viewing.

Ralph and Drashig: Didn’t they once try and invade everywhere? On no sorry that was the Greeks. Easy mistake to make….

verdict: down a few vodkas on the 14th to drown your balkan sorrows.


I’ve already seen this lady perform in London so I know she can sing live and the presentation is good, albeit that it looks like she’s singing inside a shower cubicle with the graphics she has. There’s something red and large hanging from her ear. Could be a furry dice as I hear fashions are a tad weird in the Balkans. She runs off to the “other” stage part way through the song and strips off her top to reveal a heavily tattooed arm which is most unattractive in a lady. She’s a class performer, but I just think she may come across as too much of a bit of rough for most viewers taste.

R&D: She’s following us….

verdict: na (inat)


And talking of bits of old rough blimey….. If you wear dark glasses at your comeback people make their own minds up. I’ve never liked this and always thought if she was going to bother coming back she should have chosen something that people could relate to a bit more. WTF is this song about? The stage presentation is uninspiring to say the least and vocals leave a lot to be desired.

R&D: It’s at times like this we regret our keen sense of hearing

verdict: in serious danger of an early bath


A fine rock song. A fine performance. A fine singer and a fine presentation. What’s wrong then I hear you cry? The problem is Eurovision being what it is that Slovenia automatically start about 50 points behind their neighbours and that makes it very hard for them to qualify even with a good entry. I hope I’m wrong but I fear for it.

R&D: woof and roar. We like

verdict: edge of the wire stuff


The YouTube clip I saw of this is a bit naff but I get the gist of the choreography (yeah nice). and the backdrop of the skyscrapers and Ferris wheel are perfectly in tune with the song. I’ve just never been sure that it’s the brilliant song that everyone’s been making it out to be. In fact it’s quite ordinary….

R&D: If we were as rich as Rockerfeller, then we’d be richer than Rockfeller because we’ve got a fiver hidden in a tea caddy

verdict: could be this year’s shock non-qualifier


All things aside, this and Georgia are probably my two favourite songs, although I can’t rid myself of the image of what he was doing in front of a web cam a little while ago. As long as he behaves this is sailing through to the final and has a chance when it gets there.

R&D: What’s that he’s doing with his hand…. ewww. Don’t look Ralph….

verdict: No need to change the world