17 May – Why couldn’t this be simple?

Finland. The the country famed for lakes, rally drivers and beautifully unfathomable words. And a Eurovision tradition going back over 60 years. One win to show for it, even though they may have warranted much more.

In 2002, today’s birthday girl (Sanna) Laura Voutilainen made the short hop over the Gulf of Finland to Tallinn’s fair city. No Finn had ever travelled a shorter distance to get to the contest, so Laura must have thought she was still practically in her home country. There was to be no dream finish for her, as she managed a lowly 20th place, scoring 24 points. From six countries. We think this was one of Finland’s better efforts, so was vastly underscored. Still, they only had to wait four years until victory would finally be theirs.

Laura is 47 today.

Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Laura!