9 May – If you don’t wake up this time, you won’t wake up at all

In our favourite TV show, it’s easy to be winners one day, tail-enders the next. Hero to zero, or vice versa. It’s all good fun. We love them all, as they’ve done something most of us will never do.

Today’s birthday boy Timo Kojo was there all the way back in 1982. Yes, there were contest then, too. He thought he’d hit a nerve with a song about potential global thermonuclear conflict. Luckily, we’re still here, so his song hasn’t quite come to pass yet. In fact, as it was a little startling in lyric, the jurors of 17 other countries didn’t want to endorse his thoughts. He scored a duck egg. But he did get to wear a rather dapper red suit. If you want a fashion icon, look no further.

Kojo is 70 today.

Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Kojo!