12 September – There are insults that we’ll have to forgive

Eurovision can throw up interesting collaborations. To start with, we have the performers born in one country representing another. These are often culturally similar – I’m looking at you Luxembourg. But it can go further. There are writers that peddle their songs around Europe, looking for that opening. Swedish ones in Azerbaijan, say. Or German ones in San Marino.

Today’s birthday boy Jonatan_Cerrada Moreno and his song have a mixed ‘parentage’. He sang for France but was born in Belgium and is of Spanish descent. His song was a collaboration between writers from France and the United Kingdom of stuff. So if he’d have won, who would have claimed the victory? The Belgian performer? The Spanish ancestry? The British writers? Or the French broadcaster he was representing?

Jonatan is 37 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Feliz cumpleaños, Jonatan!