It’s about time we had a winner. And it’s about time we had something in glorious black & white. So when those two parts of a Venn diagram work, it’s only right we oblige.
Back in 1962, France notched up its third win with a song performed by today’s birthday girl Isabelle Aubret (née Thérèse Coquerelle). She beat 15 other songs, and scored twice as many points as the runner-up. That’s some margin. She made France the Sweden of her day – and beat Sweden in the process. She even tried again, when the circus was in London and colour TV was tried for the first time. And she was still taking part in French national finals as late as 1983. Does this make Isabelle France’s Ms Eurovision? Anyway, here’s her finest hour.
Isabelle is 85 today.
Bonne anniversaire, Isabelle!