Germany – K-Pop lives

Photo: Albin Olsson

40 minutes of K-Pop light! – Exactly what you need at 1014 CET!!.  Jamie-Lee is dressed as you would expect, clearly from the dressing up box at NDR (I hope these are her stage clothes and not her real life clothes as that would be very disturbing for Europe indeed).

It’s not changed one iota from the German National Final and it really doesn’t need to for this song.  There is also lots of soft focus in this song and, as Monty said, it takes a lot to put dead wood on stage, especially when the most wooden thing is the singer.

Out of this contest, this would be a decent album track but when it comes down to it, people are going to look at Jamie-Lee and go: “It’s a girl in a kooky dress” – I don’t think it’s that alternative or special to gain many votes.  It’s sung well enough, don’t get me wrong, but with the material she is working with, that’s not going to be enough.