Friday night, Saturday morning

Euroclub 2016

Good morning Oneuropeans! Big morning ahead with the last three countries to rehearse: Germany, Italy and our home entry the UK.

It’s an earlier start than optimal, truth be told. Last night was the first night proper in the main bit if the EuroClub and of course I had to be there to sample it got you, dear reader. I had a fairly large sample, just to make sure. It produced the desired effect, with the undesired one this morning. Who thought this was a sensible hour?

Linda & YlvaThe Nordic Party kicked off first of all, upstairs in the VIP. They’ve clearly forgotten who I am as I wasn’t invited, nor to the Balkan party taking place at the same time. I did catch some of the acts though: Iceland in full voice as I arrived, with Denmark & Finland to follow. I’m sad to say I missed an event by Hacksaw of this parish taking his brilliant Eurovision Apocalypse website to the stage. I must catch that next time.

In the small bar of the EuroClub we had a live performance by the singing twins, Linda & Ylva, who have written many a national final entry. They went down a treat, visions in unlikely golden cat suits, with added skirts to whip off during, for some reason, Je Ne Sais Quoi, and Conchita beards to illustrate their climax. I also took my Eurovision experience to hitherto unseen levels when a man dressed as a Viking slipped me his horn of plenty.Euroclub 2016

Back in the main room we had the Velvet & Clamp extravaganza, both running through their Melodifestivalen entries with a live band. Live music! At Eurovision! They must have thought it was the 80s again. Having done every trick in their books it’s not clear how they’ll fill their slots every other night other than reprising this set mind. After they’d left the stage and the disco had started a good few songs in up popped Krista Siegfrieds doing her Ding Dong.

image3She wasn’t a guest performer, she’d merely hopped up on stage when she heard it to mine it into a beer bottle. Things I love about Eurovision #693692: where else would you get such high-quality sub-standard entertainment?

A Max burger for the road later and bed after 4. See how we sacrifice ourselves for you?

Monty x