Actually, I’ve not been terribly respectful at all for the last hour. I gave Texas Lightning a couple of listenings, just to reconfirm that they’re note perfect from start to finish, look fantastic on stage and are very much a potential winner (which they still are), then I went to stand in the car park for an hour.
This would be for the Daz Sampson photoshoot. Lots of Eurovision fans who are old enough to know better dressed up in either their own, or supplied, polo shirts and ties like the girls wear, and stood in the sun waiting for Mr. Sampson to turn up nearly half an hour late. Double detention, Daz, you’re going to have to stay late after class on Saturday at this rate, mate… you made me miss Sidsel To The Wonning, so I haven’t a clue whether she is in fact to the wonning.
Our Franko is standing to Daz’s immediate left if you see the pictures plastered all over tomorrow’s papers, but the rest of OnEurope isn’t in it. Roy’s phobic of buttons, apparently (except chocolate ones), I learned long ago that one size does not fit all, and nothing was going to tear Hobnob away from TL and SttW.
They’re watching Romania now, then there’s a break before Daz begins his stagecraft (I think). I reckon I might pootle over and join them. Laters!