Italian charm


Italy is stunning, it’s as simple as that. Wow! This is beautifully done. Francesca is centre stage flanked by a line of, well, garden themed oddments atop of sticks and suspended from the ceiling. There are flowers, fruits, a parasol, a plastic duck, some 3-D glasses… that kind of thing. It’s quirky but very, very charming. She sings it so well, static apart from her arms which waft to enhance the lines she’s singing. There are some effects on the screen, ripples, water drops, which don’t distract but add a subtle little extra something to remember it by.

Bloody hell, this is the best I’ve seen yet.

I’m trying to ahead of myself, but I’m already lost in the thought of next year’s Eurovision in Italy. To be fair I was list in the idea of this year’s Eurovision in Italy but we’re here. And I still think Sweden is the one to beat. But by gosh I hope this can do that.


Monty x