15 July – Will I fly? Will I fall?

Do you ever notice that some songs are touted as winners, only to fade away once they get to the host city. It could be a missed staging opportunity, or the draw conspiring against it.

Back in 2014, we all gathered in Copenhagen for a highly-anticipated contest. One song became a fan favourite, but there were a few others we thought might – just might – spring a surprise. One such expectation was for today’s birthday boy Carl Espen (Thorbjørnsen). He nipped across the Skagerrak with a downbeat song that drew people in. Added to a fan base from certain elements of the Eurovision community, and hopes were high. If you recall, we did have an out-and-out winner, but Carl didn’t disgrace himself. Sixth in his semi-final and eighth in the Grand Final. A finish on the left-hand side of the scoreboard is highly prized these days, so go Carl!

Carl is 40 today.

Gratulerer med dagen, Carl!