Just had a quick peekey at the Azeri press conf. Both lads themselves had identical tea cosy hats and cool shades on, looking every bit the proper pop stars, like. Well in their heads at least.
Slovenia just did their thang. That Rebeka looked miffed and pissy at pretty much everything that was said and did. There appears to be some manner of eleborate chains and disrobing routine to be endured at some point, if all the scrabbling about in mine was anything to go by.
She was also swathed in green light – perhaps accidentally making her look like She-Hulk. Or perhaps she really was miffed enough that her gamma-enriched molecules actually set her off in full Banner-stylee.
Norway’s presently doing the Winehouse without the wine or whine to moderate effect. May only do well if Duffy has another hit by the end of next week.
And then that’ll be it for the evening. Although I suspect I’ll be kicking about these shires for a while waiting for them football results. Then it’s more foot, with possible cake, and a likely long fruitless task looking for the venue where Shellac are playing which no one in town appears to have heard of.
Till the morrow – public insurrection allowing…