23 August – Come, return, be mine again

Do you like it when popular music strays into the realm of classical music? It takes a special person to fuse them properly, and an even more special person to bring their talent to the Eurovision stage. Very special in fact.

In 2007 – yes, it was that long ago – Slovenia sent today’s birthday girl Alenka Gotar with a proper popera number. She sold it really well, enough to breeze through to the Grand Final, possibly because of a nicely favourable draw. Then onto the Grand Final, and the draw perhaps wasn’t quite so kind. Still, getting there is an achievement, and she had her nice gimmick of a radioactive hand. There were no maxima came her way, but she guaranteed herself a spot in any compilation show of clips for years to come.

Alenka is 46 today.

Vse najboljše, Alenka!