29 March – Hurray! Sing it lalalala!

They say there’s nothing new in the world of Eurovision. The culturally similar countries may prefer their own songs. Certain personalities will always turn up. And there will always debate on whether the right song won.

In 2016, our friends in Spain sent today’s birthday girl Barei (née Bárbara Reyzábal González-Aller) with her ‘original’ dance. Lots of natty little leg movements. And it was nothing like a dance first used by Malta in 2012, oh dear me no. Or was it? You be the judge if you watch them both together. Our Barei also did something you wouldn’t expect for a song choreographed within an inch of its life. All very noteworthy. Barei finished 22nd in her Saturday night final, with almost all of her points coming from the juries (including one maximum). The song from 2012 with a dance that definitely definitely wasn’t the same finished 21st.

Barei is 39 today.

Feliz cumpleaños, Barei!