10 May – Everytime you smile I get good vibrations

I know we’re in the midst of another Eurovision Song Contest, but the birthdays just keep on coming, And today we have one for a home entrant!

I always say that second is best for the home entrant to finish. It relieves their broadcaster of the headache that is organising a second consecutive contest. Today’s birthday girl Ann-Kristin ‘Kikki’ Danielsson got the gig in 1985 – the best contest ever – and did SVT a favour by finishing third. A close third too. It wasn’t Kikki’s only dalliance on a Eurovision stage, but it’s a fine fine performance. Just ask Mr Phil. And the 15 countries (out of 18) that gave it points. What were those other three (Cyprus, Portugal and Greece) thinking of?

Kikki is 67 today.

Bonne anniversaire, Nathalie!