11 December – You tell me that time slows down every day

Let’s go back in time. After all, there were contests in the 20th Century, even though that now seems an awful long time ago. They were simpler affairs, with a single show with a live orchestra and a distinct lack of groups.

In 1961, we were in the first venue to host two contests. It was in exotic Cannes. The venue is not there anymore, but some of you might have been close by last month when JESC was in Nice. Anyway, our friends in Switzerland sent a song in French, performed by a native French singer, today’s birthday girl Franca di Rienzo. She finished third, just ahead of the home entry, but a long long way distant of the winner. Go Franca! As a sidenote, her song was written by two gents who won the same contest in 1956. Two early Brendan Grahams perhaps?

Franca is 85 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Buon compleanno/Frohe Geburtstag!