FYR Macedonia are often victims of being themselves in this contest. They seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, believing that the only decent results can be gained by putting something ethnic in.
This year, like last year, they have moved away from that and have gone for a more contemporary radio friendly song from trio Eye Cue. The first part of the song is decent enough and then, like a few others, the song changes mode and clunks into a completely different style, so much so that when I heard it on youtube, I had to check to see if something else was playing! I don’t understand the point of doing that, but I’m not the songwriter!
But to labour that point, the song then changes back to its original rhythm and then clunkily changes mode *again* about half-way through. It leaves me thinking that if these changes were a touch more subtle and less BANG, then the overall effect of a decent song would have been multiplied. You also have to think that this song is in the Semi Final of Death and yes, it has to stand out, but this is not the way to do it.
I want to say that this is a good pop song, and it is, but it’s clunky and doesn’t end well either… and that sums up its chances.
Phil’s Score – FIVE Points.