Sorry, I thought I’d done this so I stepped away for a Diet Coke and apple pie break, my apologies OnEuropeans….
This is going to divide opinion. On the one hand you have the “hands over the ears, oh my God, I hear noisy noise” brigade, versus the “OMG real music in the Contest” in the other corner.
I’m sort of in the middle here, it’s shouty real music which, of course, has its place. I fear, though, for all the genuineness that Blind Channel show, it’s going to be fighting for a few qualifying places nearer the bottom of the Top 10.
The staging looks amazing and does all sorts of things in silver and the goth colour of choice, black. The band are in black, the lyrics are dark, but are there going to be enough teen and twenty somethings at home on a Thursday evening in Mid May to say “This is the one”? I think the answer may well be no.
It does, I have to say, get old quick and is a long three minutes.
Qualifying? : maybe, if the hellmouth opens