I think my five readers have worked out that I might not like this song at all, but I genuinely tried to come up with reasons why a jury of music professionals would put this in their top ten.
Still struggling to be honest – some of them will, for devilment or because they, somehow, genuinely believe that this is one of the best ten songs in the contest (Spoiler alert to any un-named-until-Saturday-next jurors out there, it’s not). It’s a three-minute performance by Jendrik and his backing band that is supposed to be all ironic and kooky and stuff but, and this is a key in a song contest, there just isn’t a song there.
What there is, is Jendrik trying to shoehorn as many words of English as possible into about 90 seconds with the other 90 seconds of him cavorting round the stage. It is the typical one idea song – namely the let’s write a song as rubbish as possible, and take the piss out of it. It’s not even a good self-deprecating pastiche, and in what passes for the middle eight all you hear is Jendrik breathing heavily, because he cannot sing and dance at the same time.
I know the televoters are going to give it some love but surely, surely, if your song is going to be a “joke” song it also needs to be believable as well?!
Phil’s Prediction : 21-26th