Like too many songs in the back end of the second semi final, Samanta’s is “challenging”. And by that I actually mean it’s a one trick pony dolled up like Red Rum and sent out in the Grand Eurovision Stakes of 2021.
This particular nag has Samanta onboard in a long, green emerald dress. She’s still got the gold background transforming all over the place and is joined by her Dolly Dealers (does that make her the leader of the pack?) standing to her right. This time, though, there was a massive delay before she started her run through – about 15 of her allotted 20 minutes. Lord knows what they were trying to do … write a new song?
As I said when this last performed on stage about 98049358 days ago, it’s got one idea: female empowerment. It loses some of that as soon as you don’t put any women on the background. It’s all about Samanta, and God loves a trier, but the jurors and the voters won’t.
Qualifying?: Europe will need to have a collective brainfart – not a chance