It was about this time in Stockholm and Malmö that everything stopped for fika, coffee and a little sweet treat. Even though I’ve been making light work of my stroopwafels, I’m absolutely ready for a sugar rush, and here’s Natalia to bring it.
I want to see all the camp frivolity she serves up in the video. I want dancing ice creams. And are they going to be able to work in her taking a swipe of cake-face?
They’re not.
Natalia is carrying on the theme of the bangers this year of being flanked by four male dancers. At least these ones are shirtless under their jackets. There’s a complicated dance routine atop a spinning platform, and the backdrop is largely a moving pink neon grid.
There is nothing of the fun of the video on show. Sometimes, more really is more and this needs a lot more. It’s quite, well, ordinary without all the over the top camp touches. It feels like Natalia wants this to be regarded as a serious pop song, which I understand, but lady, you’ve lost your USP by ditching the silliness.
Let’s give the song its dues though: it’s still a cracking little bop, and it’s well performed, but I’m so utterly disappointed to see this lose all of, what is for me, its charm.
I’m going to have to resort to another stroopwafel.
Monty x