As you will know, I loved this song in first rehearsal and nothing I’ve seen in the last 20 minutes has changed my mind. I particularly like the 4:3 to 16:9 change from black and white to colour and the name graphic moving to the bottom left of screen – I’m a nerd OK?
I have fallen in love with the strings in the backing track. Entries like this just go to show that you don’t need whizz-bangs and pyro curtains and all sorts of guff. You need what you have always needed: a song.
This may not gather much love from the televoters of Europe who, at their core need to be entertained visually. This doesn’t have that quality – save for the reveal of the faux string section in the background and the image of a girl walking down a boulevard. However, there will be a clack of people of a certain age for whom this might evoke memories which make them smile and go: “you know what, Mrs Olafsson, I like the guy in the superfluous Panama Hat – he reminds me of a Latino Richie Benaud. Let’s vote for him.”.
I fear, though, It may well be doomed – but I’d love it to qualify.
Qualifying? : With a fair wind