Romania is up next. Roxen is dressed very casually – is this her stage outfit? Artists are instructed to wear them, but this is a simple if oversized hoody. It could fit the song, if she’s trying to be super cool.
The motifs from the video are repeated. Five dancers convey the inner voices and thoughts that are consuming her in her lack of self-care, and she figuratively battles with them in an illustration of the song’s theme. They’re in grey, drab, but with a sinister undertone.
She breaks free from them and heads to the satellite stage, where she rounds on them, a bit like a sheepdog penning its flock. The backdrop turns to a red and purple sunset.
The start of this is really engaging; you really want to see what’s going on, but as it progressed the concept wore a bit thin. I thought she’d sprung a surprise with a knockout presentation but by the time her three minutes wind up I’m not so sure.
Monty x