Slovenia are in the cursed second position which seems very apt. As we get the first ten minutes of the rehearsal period closed, we get a loop with 1…2… playing. It’s almost as though they are forecasting the amount of points that Ana is going to score, no?
When Ana does get onto the stage there is literally just her and the background of the earth spinning which changes into vistas of the world. The backing choir which (of course) is off-stage this year – really lifts the middle bit of the song and Ana really does belt that part out. Coupled with the stage exploding into life, it looks really effective, but it really does just shine a light (see what I did there!) on how weak the verses really are.
She does, though, look good in an off-white trouser suit (just call me Gok from now on, please) with a flowing bit at the back or side, depending on the camera angle and, for the foot fetishists amongst our readership, she even took off her high heels at one point – is their nothing that this girl cannae do?
Well yes, actually, rescue this song. If the product you are selling isn’t great, you can polish it all you like, it’s still sub-optimal.