I tend to look at this in the same way I would an ice skating tournement (I’m gay, bear with me here).
This has lots of good, required elements: a song which Gjon sings really nicely with the requisite amount of emotion (which, really, was never in doubt). It also has the presentation elements: basically, Gjon flailing about on a plinth for three minutes dressed in a black shirt, covered in snail trails with lots of smoke around him.
People might well ask “What the hell is that?” The answer is up to you. If you like the dramatic, it’s excellently staged drama. If you prefer the song aspect, that’s strong as well, even with it being in French. Both camps can definitely say that Gjon “performs” the song.
I just think it’s erring too much on the side of performance, and not enough on the quality of the song. It’s sailing through this bit, but its real test will be up against Malta and Italy and the like.
Qualifying?: Yes, with marks deducted for being a bit poncey