Time for Ana of the moist brow to take to the stage – and today she’s giving it attitude with a somewhat pissed-off face I can only presume conveys … something more complex and consequential. In the second run-through wider camera angles helped gloss over this. By the third try, she was smiling more and connecting with the camera.
The song is still the trouble here as Ana is in clear voice. The backing track sounds over complicated with too many bells and whistles added. It’s one of those times where you catch just how much isn’t live this year. There still sounds to be way too many words packed into the verses, causing things to sound muddled and muffled. When the chorus lands, Ana gives it everything.
She looks terrific – though those heels! I’m sure the left one is giving her trouble, she’ll have welts the size of gobstoppers by the weekend.
The showcase I saw today was greatly improved from the first rehearsal, however, and Slovenia should be happy.
The Fanning Verdict
Despite a great performance from a brilliant performer, the song isn’t strong enough, and I fear the ‘curse of singing second’ may strike yet again. I don’t see this making the final.