That’s it. We’re done telling you all about the songs taking part in Eurovision 2021. We’ve been here through the (shorter) on-season and 975 hours of rehearsal, so it’s time to put our feet up and enjoy the show.
Live tonight from Rotterdam, the 65th Eurovision Song Contest begins at 20.00 UK/21.00 CET. 26 countries compete to be the next winner and hand their national broadcaster the job of following up an extraordinary contest.
How to watch
You can also tune in via the official YouTube channel of the Eurovision Song Contest (without commentary and on-screen voting details), except in Australia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, United States and the United Kingdom.
Next at OnEurope
We’re ready to flip over into off-season mode, but before we do that, Mr Phil will be here to tell you all about why your favourite song didn’t win Eurovision with a series of analysis pieces putting the Eurovision world to rights. We’ll let you know how many people watched in our regular viewing figures round-up and then it’s summer, with podcasts and birthday posts a plenty. Before you know it. we’ll be back and looking forward to the 66th Contest.
Thank you for once again making us feel like you’re reading what we write. We achieved our second highest number of visitors ever this year – not bad when you consider it’s a dog and pony show run on a budget of sixpence ha’penny and the kindness of strangers. Hope you’ll join us next season.
Bedankt en tot ziens!
Thank you, team. Monty, Mo, Nick and Mr Phil, you’ve been spoiling us with quality writing, amazing humour (sometimes sarcasm) and your insights. I was cherishing each and every article. Thanks for all the hard work, we love you.
So this year was the first year I dived into the blogs – loved all the live blogs of the jury final. THANK YOU for your insights…. love it…. only 11 months 3 weeks ish to go…. enjoy the break – it is well desrved