Eurovision 2015 – Serbia – Bojana Stamenov to Vienna! – gurt big Mp3

It's a Serbian Flag!! Who is going to represent Serbia at the Eurovision 2015 in Vienna? Bohana Stamenov, that’s who!- After taking a year out, come back with their selection show snappily entitled “Odbrojavanje za Beč” ( Or Countdown for Vienna) had an “introduction” show on the 14th Feb ( Preceded by auditions and the like) and a final on the 15th ( Scheduled for a mere 68 minutes no less, now on watch again at on, to pick the winner 50-50 style (As opposed to Gangnam Style, which would be funnier). You’re finalists and songs are listed below but In truth, though, it was a one woman show. Top with the Televote, top in the jury (by about 2000 votes…. though you only had NINE minutes to vote it is said) , gurt big singer, massive……… lungs, great song. What more do you need??

Well YOU can listen to the song below in our Eurovision Streaming service – Should you wish to download it – you can from here (By Right Clicking and pressing Save As)


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