Eurovision 2015 – Ireland – #anotherlovelymolly to Eurovision – Mp3?

Who is going to represent Ireland at the 2015 Eurovision in Vienna? – Molly Sterling – that’s who! Despite possibly the worst National Final in living memory in 2014, the promised changes to Eurosong….. have failed to materialise. There hasn’t, it appears, been a will to change anything and the Late Late show is still the vehicle of choice..

Ah well, it was their loss as the predictable things all happened in order on the Late Late Show… Linda Martin, Jonny Logan, 5 songs, a panel… you get the picture. Anyway, it was somewhat more restrained than last year’s shenanigans ( sadly), but the result was closer. The Jury winner didn’t win the lot!! ( the jury winner written by an Ex Irish Eurovision winner no less… are the public “getting it at last?” – My opinion? – It’s 1995 in Ireland again, and this is going to struggle to get through the semi final again – it just sounds so turgid to me, but who knows… sometimes *I* am wrong!! Check the results out below and YOU can listen to the song below in our Eurovision Streaming service – Should you wish to download it – you can from here (By Right Clicking and pressing Save As)


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