And last for the day is Israel, and Imri Ziv. Imri is a hottie, and no mistaking. In fact, he’s so hot that he’s probably the real selling point here, rather than the actual song, which is a little on the flimsy side. There’s no real gimmickry, just upbeat staging enhanced with dancers, and a brief line formation with choreographed arm dancing, not unlike the Norwegian Glow interval act in 2010 (‘bow and arrow, bow and arrow…’).
Sadly, Imri’s voice is a little flimsy too. Well, I say a little; there are yelps from the press centre as he lands some way off his intended target in the final go. I noticed watching the Israeli preview party how he strained in parts of it, and it’s in the same places here when he goes for the bigger notes. Unfortunately, they’re the notes which (should) sell the song.
I do think it’s fun enough to sneak a place though, but after backing two excellent Israeli entries over the past couple of years, Imri’s move centre stage is a little underwhelming. But did I mention how hot he is…?
Monty x