Eurovision Countdown 24 – Moldova according to Mo

Returning performers are thin on the ground this year, so all power to Natalia for giving Eurovision another go.

This doesn’t feel like her finest moment. She’s proven her voice has the oomph needed to fill a hall and yet on this national final performance video, she comes across as somewhat nervous and weedy. Unfortunately, her pronunciation hasn’t come on since Helsinki.

Sure, there’s a good-old-fashioned happy, clappy chorus and – like so many others – it’s a half-assed message of self-empowerment, resilience, and the importance of staying true to yourself. One of those ‘raise your arms/wings’ numbers, living for the moment, without a fear of falling and the pursuit of joy.

Nul pointsFor all the good intentions shown in the lyric, this is horribly dated and should sink without trace.


OnEurope Countdown to Eurovision 2024