Dance (Our Own Party) by The Busker.
We all have that pop star inside of us. Who hasn’t dreamed of being on the Eurovision stage, brimming with confidence, playing to the world? Yet deep inside we know we’d be overcome with nervous anxiety were it ever to happen. Malta has a song for that.
The premise isn’t being at Eurovision, but what they’re bringing to Eurovision is a song about the social anxiety many of us feel. A little bit awkward the band take us through a party where they cling to the things that make them more comfortable – here a sweater and familiar songs.
It’s a great idea for a song. It’s so relatable, and instantly cute. We all know what it’s like to be at a social gathering where you don’t really know anybody.
The style is soulful and funky with some solo sax from a saxy saxophonist. In the national final it was told via three ‘acts’ with the band accompanied by cardboard cut-outs of previous Maltese acts wearing party hats. Some oversized sweaters looked like they were ready to be whipped off and sure enough underneath were sparkly party garments.
I like this. It’s sweet and the band seem lovely. I can’t help thinking it’s been slightly shafted being shoved on second though. The ‘cursed’ position may not matter so much in the semi-finals but it’s just another obstacle The Busker will need to steel their nerves and conquer.
My marks: 8 points