Another slot in the Turin schedule was confirmed this evening as Poland make its choice for the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest. Ochman will perform ‘River’.
It’s newly reborn national final was called Tu bije serce Europy!- or to give it its full name Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hit na Eurowizję (The heart of Europe beats here! We choose a hit for Eurovision). Perhaps a tad on the literal/hopeful side, but as more and more broadcasters pick behind closed doors, any bit of Eurovision fun is welcome.
Rafał Brzozowski was on hand showing he’s a far more engaging presenter than singer. He was joined on stage by Ida Nowakowska and Małgorzata Tomaszewska. Green room nonsense came thanks to Aleksander Sikora and Marek Sierocki.
The voting was a 50/50 split between jury and public vote. Ochman had been tipped to win ahead of the show. After ten acts performed, he was one of three through to a superfinal, where he picked up just over half the votes:
- Krystian Ochman 51%
- Daria 39%
- Unmute 10%