The title clearly answers itself dear reader but I shall indulge your foolish ways. We’re here for Junior Eurovision. You know? – That contest that the EBU does for the younger members of the singing fraternity that many of you don’t care to look at because it affects your sense of gayness… or you can’t watch a kids festival without thinking its Minipops? – Or you dont think it’s a “real” contest?
It’s very real. However we’ll come to that in a bit, first of all I need to regale you about our (only) 48 hours in Armenia to date.
First off, because we’ve all had a bit of a shit year. we all flew Business class to Yerevan and what a joy that was – a great flight with a distinct lack of wine Mr Lufthansa, but some of our chums – but that’s where the fun stopped, albeit momentarily. 4 out of the 5 of us got our bags at baggage reclaim, one of us didn’t and as at time of writing he is now getting his luggage back, queue gnashing of teeth from me and others. I am a diabetic and so my medication needed to be topped up after a long day travelling and your happy host ended up being less than happy = lots of harumphing and shouting later I managed to get a coffee and went into town.
Several sleeps later I managed to be more human when we got into Nork Towers. And what an apartment it is. Imagine if you will, Andorra, no stick with me on this, It has TWO wings, four bedrooms, decent wifi and two balconies. Now, admittedly we wont be sunbathing in the depths of Winter but as our apartment is actually hotter than the sun most days, windows and air conditioning are a thing that we never thought we would need.
Accreditation wise – this was all a bit of a needless palava. With the whole Eurovision team en route to here whilst some, if not all of us, were already here, there were many shredded nerves in this apartment until our emails all came through. OnEurope got both of us in, Eurovision Ireland got two in and Lisa Jayne got in as well – so we are all good – and, clearly, we’ll be providing you the quality content we have been accredited for at the end of next week.
Our days have been filled with general holiday stuff as well. On Sunday we had a day of rest and went for a fabulous meal with a member of the North Macedonian delegation and a member of Eurovision.tv in one of the best restaurants in town which is attached to our building! and a great time was had by all, said he after drinking Brandy.
Today we went to the arena to try and get our accreditation – in a word, no. First off we were made welcome in our taxi and were let into a little area which could well have been artist security, greeted by an AMPTV person who got on the phone to the accreditation manager ( They literally didn’t know who we were) – It transpired that they weren’t expecting us just yet and to come back on Thursday morning before the rehearsals.
Tomorrow, we’re all off on a day trip to Lake Sevan ( not Seven as I just wrote cos I am teh stupids) and i’m told its a nice trip out. We shall see if I come back alive or not. On the proviso that I do, we should be reporting from 0700 CET for live blogging, if you are interested at that ungodly hour in the morning in Europe – but we will be chiming in throughout the day with news and stuffs that should take your fancy.
Join us, won’t you?