Well whilst Andrew and Richard from Eurovision Ireland are reporting from a rather damp Malta (my heart bleeds) – here on planet work, I get to write about what you lot have seen – If you looked at YouTube😉
When I hear the first 30 seconds of this song, I get the impression that the song is going to be a “round” with other parts coming in but once the stomping beat comes in it moves away from that.
As we know with the adult version, the Russians know how to write and perform a song, and so it goes with this one. It can be summed up by saying: “girls sing a nice song with a bit of movement” and that is all that is needed with the strength of the song. The heart motif that they produce with their hands is endearing, but the vocal quality is what stands out for me. They all have very strong voices, despite one of them being clearly dominant I’m sure the TV mix on Sunday can sort that out to make them all level.
This has huge potential. It’s slick, professional, well performed with a hint of edge in the performers. They are in it to win it, and don’t be surprised if they are right up there.
Having read EI’s reports immediately before watching this I was expecting the umbrella and the mime artist, but after 16 seconds of business it looks … superfluous. The planet craves for love, not mime artistry.
However, the song itself is using the old distraction technique of getting you to focus on the business in the background to divert you from the weakness of the song, and IMHO it’s very weak. It feels like three minutes of nothing. A song that is just there because it’s making up the numbers rather than a genuine contender. The boys at EI are feeling this but it just leaves me cold. Sofia again can sing, but it’s what she is singing that’s the problem. It’s just dull and has no redeeming features at all …
It doesn’t matter what the contest is, there is no change in the way Albania presents the song to the contest. Klesta ends up singing a standard ballad to the audience but, in a complete shock, it’s sung in English and Albanian. This is a good move on behalf of RTSH though, as it gets people engaged from the beginning.
Sadly, though, that’s about where the engagement stops. The song just seems to meander pleasantly to the end of the three minutes without doing anything great. Klesta’s vocal on the video that I saw was not exactly “on point” (which is a polite way of saying ..?) and if you can’t sing your own song, no matter how old you are, you’re gonna do nothing.
There is a “whoosh” towards to end to breath life into the last 30 seconds, but overall, whilst not being bad, it’s barely competent, and that is the worst possible type of praise. It’ll tick some of the the professional juries boxes but its duller than Dull D McDull.
This is a toe-tapper and no mistake. Here in the office when I am listening, it has a familiar feel, which is not a bad thing of course. It’s uptempo and poppy, but looks a mess from the single camera angle. They are going for the Cypriot approach to choreography – throw a kitchen sink at it, but there seems to be young ‘uns all over the stage, whilst Alexander makes a fist of singing something that reminds me of “Hot Stuff” by Donna Summer in parts.
I also don’t get the hover board spinning at the end of it – presumably Alexander doesn’t *do* real breakdancing in Minsk, but again it just adds to the mess and takes away from what is a really good song. If anyone sees the Belarusian delegation in the Excelsior tonight – tell them to stop trying so hard!!!
I read that Lidia has had a plethora of problems that would phase the most experienced contenders but, to her credit, she seems to have finally got on stage but looks very lonely on her own (oi, BNT, Give her some backing singers!!)
The song, thankfully, is sung beautifully and confidently and has a really “nice” air about it. “Nice” thankfully still has a place in this contest when you balance it out with a good tune and a performer that knows all of the marks to hit and all of the notes … and who doesn’t try too hard (Netherlands and others, I’m looking at you here). Will it pick up votes? – Well the jurors and televoters will see a confident young lady that knows where the cameras are and sings excellently. Why the hell not?!
As night follows day, Armenia get this contest from the get-go. As a direct contrast to Albania, this starts off punchy and has a modern and, dare I say it, adult sound, which is what *I* would expect from Armenia or anyone serious about winning this contest.
Mainly in the Armenian language it doesn’t grate on the ears, and whilst certainly it’s in the easy listening category of Eurovision songs, it has that typical feeling of being written for the contest – especially with the English bit shoe-horned into the end almost as an afterthought. Something that I don’t particularly think it needed, but if performed well by the girls should give Armenia its usual high position.
If Andrew Lloyd Webber actually saw this song he’d swear it was one of his cast-offs. It starts with rousing strings for the first 20 seconds, cutting the length of disinfection, I guess. Its totally wrong for this kind of competition and Mariam really is doing her best to sell something she should be nowhere near. I’m not saying that she can’t sing this song, cos she bloody well can, but it’s not suited to a Sunday afternoon contest audience. There is, however, nothing like it in the contest … thankfully!!
Whoever’s bright idea it was to get Dunja on a hover board for three minutes needs telling about health and safety. It’s less of a unique selling point, than a potential health and safety nightmare! The stunt completely distracts from the song which, let’s be fair, Dunja sings really rather well, but would be better served if she did some light choreography rather than mincing about the stage on a hover board. It will only take one wrong move to get this song wrong and injure a singer!
The song itself, though, is quite mature, which suits Dunja’s voice and it’s quite disco and uptempo but I’m genuinely worried.
I’m 30 seconds into this song and I think the writers have put every single cliché into this song that they could find. Given these legs to stand, arms to fight, dream to feel alive etc..etc … I think I don’t need to sit though the rest of the three minutes to know where this song is going.
And I am right? A song in the “let’s all have world peace and harmony” mode that is being earnestly sung,but with overtones of A Million Voices – and it’s clearly trying to recreate that feeling. The trite lyric is a real annoyance to me. It’s been written to tick the boxes that the writer thinks will do well, sadly this song is not sung by Bella Paige and it can only be described as mediocre at best.