Vlandereen doing Vlandereen things…

Well it seems that fandom forgot that the Eurovision doesn’t actually care what you think or what you want to happen because, well, you don’t run the thing.

Case and point in Dutch Belgium here when the so-called and touted favourites not only failed to win the contest, but a man in a sombrero and pink ruff cuffs minced his way onto stage and stuck two fingers up at the lot of us.   You want to check the results out you say?

Ooh la laHunter Falls84441287
Ca m'ennuie pasChérine1451232684
RollercoasterThe Starlings941832772
The carnivalAmeerah107641715
Because of youGustaph1211572781
T'inquièteGala Dragot1461252713
You lift me upLoredana83841676

This will cause ructions on the twittersphere – you see if it doesn’t!

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Riigi Ametnik
Riigi Ametnik
2 years ago

A man in ruff cuffs ruffling feathers? That makes his win all the more deliughtful