Macedonia (FYR) – Busy…..

This song lends itself to a busy staging and that’s what it gets, lots of lights and choreography and the floor changing and doing all sorts of things around her which, if staged batter suits the song, however musically it’s an album track which seems to blend into the background of the press centre and my worry is that it will blend into the background of life. I’d love to tell you how it sounded, though, but I didn’t pay attention to the tonality and, once again, that’s going to be it’s problem. It doesn’t stand out in the right ways.

Performance wise, again, it doesn’t stand out and it looks too busy and too confusing to do anything much. The choreography is messy and un coordinated, The light show takes you away from the performing on stage, Tijana seems to be having issues finding the camera and even though they will certainly not be repeated on Thursday, they need to be sorted out ASAP in order for this to move up from its current non qualifying.