Same Difference

Turkey's maNga has prepared a full-packed stage show. Photo: Giel Domen (EBU)

This week we’ve had wings galore on bees, on seagulls on what I presume were meant to be angels (Bulgaria) so it’s only fitting that we end the first run of the 34 semi-finalists with another singing bird; Turkey.

Turkey seem to alternate between sending a dancey number and sending a big rock band to this shindig. This year it’s rock’s turn. The intro is marvellous and then the main bulk of the song kicks in and you find yourself hankering after their more tuneful 2008 entry or even last year’s ethno dance number.

They’re obviously consummate professionals and won’t miss a note or a chord but it lacks a bit of something that their previous rock entries had.

The staging is far too dark even with the flashing lights. There are flags flanking the drums (not quite sure why) and a angle-grinder kicks in part way through.

It’s clearly a gig performance not playing to a TV audience and that will be their undoing.

It’s obviously going to qualify and probably lower top ten finish due to the abundance of Turkey-friendly countries out there but not a serious challenger for the crown and depending on how the voting goes this year (and I think it’s going to be VERY bizarre), it may just get edged out of the top ten.

At least they’ve avoided the year’s ballad trend.

Personally I prefer my turkey with paxo and roast tatties 🙂

Nick: Nasty Flashy Lights Alert! The first I’ve been aware of needing to give this year, though there may have been more subtle shinies that I’ve overlooked. It’s really substantial and obnoxious in this setup.

At first glance this could look very interesting on screen… all the major lighting seems to be behind and at stage level, it looks almost like a different stage altogether with this setup.

Not great vocal rehearsals in the early part of the session, and the ambition of the staging isn’t quite being fulfilled early on. This is potentially the best thing in the semifinals, I’m calling it for a potential winner… but not altogether confidently. There’s all sorts going on here, including what, at first sight, appears to be someone attempting to saw their own arm off with a chainsaw.

I am calling this as a potential winner. But tentatively, nervously, not confidently. Keep calm, loyal reader, and don’t bet the farm on it just yet!

EDIT – Put this on the record. 16:44 CET, 19 May 2010. I think Turkey’s got this contest won. Other opinions are available, as always!

Phil: This is a genuine contender for the crown. Yes, it’s dark – Yes it’s moody, yes it’s not suitable for photo sensitive epileptics but bloody hemm MaNgA don’t half perform the bobbysox off this song. It’s got the lot for me, attack, confidence in the performance, more attack, scarability factor into voting for it.

That should be enough for it to win…. but is it?!

Again, great performances all round from the group will ensure qualification – this is a “right danger” as we say round here but the question is will people see past the thing that stares them in the face to win.

I’m putting money on it to win at 50/1 – and indeed have!!