Apropos of nothing in particular


We’re on a break between SF1 stuff and SF2 stuff so my mind’s wandering. On the way to the office this morning, I saw a dog chase a cat up a tree. I thought that kind of thing only happened in cartoons. Also I had a self-created mixture of Gouda and feta on my bread this morning, it was like a confluence of cheese, absolutely mighty.

Let me have a quick think about SF1 actually, in preference to cheese. What’s hot and what’s not? Is anything hot?

Montenegro: No.
Israel: Not really.
Estonia: Yes, of course! If you’re me.
Moldova: …possibly.
San Marino: I hardly think so.
Belgium: You’d think not.
Azerbaijan: Might as well.
Slovenia: Good lord no!
Norway: Yes.
Poland: A bit, but nowhere near as much as Norway
Ireland: I suspect so.
Andorra: Ahahaha… no.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Yes, very.
Armenia: Sort of.
Netherlands: Yes, surprisingly.
Finland: Yes, I would think so.
Romania: Yeeeessss…
Russia: Not entirely. But more than some.
Greece: Yes, no question.

Oooh goodie, the semifinal twoey goodness has arrived.