So, which is best? ‘Lady Of The Sea’ or ‘Wolves Of The Sea?’ There’s only one way to find out … fiiiight!
Iceland: God, I hope not
Sweden: I have more doubts than I should
Turkey: I think it might now
Ukraine: Absolutely bound to
Lithuania: Difficult to say
Albania: Possibly
Switzerland: I’m thinking not
Czech Republic: It’s got far too much her
Belarus: Might surprise
Latvia: ARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
Croatia: Awwwwww, yus!
Bulgaria: Ought to but mightn’t
Denmark: Oughtn’t to but might
Georgia: Tricky one
Hungary: You’d think so
Malta: Absolutely, before she even opens her mouth
Cyprus: Sadly no
FYR Macedonia: On the cusp. Probably below it.
Portugal: Yes.
You don’t normally see the sum of human knowledge being subtracted from, do you?
Franko’s verdict
As with my friends:
Iceland- easily through
Sweden- absolutely
Turkey- I’m thinking yes
Ukraine- the safest bet this side of the Dnieper
Lithuania- bugger off back to the Lord of the Rings
Albania- Hmm if I had my way
Switzerland- No signor
Czech Republic- Not a snowball’s chance in a Belgrade summer
Belarus- Yes
Latvia – maybe Gaarrrggghh
Croatia- I’ll draw my pension if it doesn’t
Bulgaria- Not only Dima’s been sniffing something
Denmark – I’m coming around to yea after being bribed by two of his CD’s
Georgia- She’s not only blind but deaf if she thinks she’s going through
Hungary – ooh now… yes
Malta – yes damn and blast the place
Cyprus- As likely as me visiting a Greek taverna in the next week.
Macedonia – zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Portugal- maybe but only the tips of her rather ample bosoms
Phil’s turn to get things totally wrong
My predictions – you wouldn’t expect anything else, surely …
Iceland: It should, but would be hoolarious if it didn’t
Sweden: Clearly
Turkey: Yes yes yes
Ukraine: Clearly!
Lithuania: oh dear good god no!
Albania: Nope
Switzerland: I hope not
Czech Republic: It has too little of anything
Belarus: c/f Iceland
Latvia: Yes x infinity
Croatia: c/f Latvia
Bulgaria: Nope
Denmark: zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Georgia: can’t see it myself…..
Hungary: Yes
Malta: Absolutely, before she even opens her mouth
Cyprus: thankfully no
FYR Macedonia: No no no – DJ take them away
Portugal: Absolutely, before she even opens her mouth
So that makes 8 definite qualifiers and a bit of room for wiggle.
Franko predicts the top five
Having seen all 43 of the blighters now, here’s my forecast:
1. Croatia
2. Ukraine
3. Spain
4. Serbia
5. Sweden
No mention of Russia and Greece I hear you cry? Tee hee … They’ll probably be propping up the rest of the top ten along with Hungary, Romania and either Poland or Azerbaijan. Simple innit?…. :-)))))))
Eurovision 2008 – The Hacksaw verdict
Once again, in full Joke Book Jury stylee..
Iceland: Hit
Sweden: Hit
Turkey: Maybe
Ukraine: Hit
Lithuania: Maybe
Albania: Miss
Switzerland: Miss
Czech Republic: Miss
Belarus: Maybe
Latvia: Maybe
Croatia: Hit
Bulgaria: Maybe
Denmark: Maybe
Georgia: Miss
Hungary: Miss
Malta: Maybe
Cyprus: Miss
FYR Macedonia: Miss
Portugal: Maybe
Oh bum, once again I’ve got eleven in my Hit or Maybe list. Who shall I shave off then? Hmm…