… that in a couple of hours’ time, that’ll be it for Semi 1 open rehearsals. Can’t be very long now before people start arriving for Eurovision week!
Anyway, I was up too late for Armenia. Serve them right for rehearsing first. You’d think they’d have learned from Andre’s experience. General consensus seems to be that it wasn’t a good rehearsal, but I no more trust other peoples’ opinions than they should trust mine. 🙂
Netherlands is good, gratifyingly good to my mind. Simple, but with enough going on to hold the interest, and very well sung. Hind’s one of the best singers here, I suspect, even though the song isn’t quite as good as she is.
Finland’s the wildcard in semi 1. I maintain that it’s very, very good for what it is – but does the Tuesday night audience care for what it is? It remains a favourite in this corner of OnEurope, but steel-reinforced concrete isn’t for everybody. The big thing in its favour is this: for the sort of people who would be inclined to vote for something like this, what other option do they have? Perfectly capable of squeezing through the gap into the final – and perfectly capable of missing out. Clearly won’t finish lower than 12th or 13th in the semi…. and edited after final run through with full pyros, to add this. That’s sailing through.