But you don’t want to know about them sonsg now, does one. You want to know what Belgrade is like. Well it’s nice actually. Imagine a more exotic Newcastle, with less chance of casual violence, but more chance of the formal kind. Imagine gurt big brutalist towerblocks, interspersed with wonderful art nouveau frontices. Nice shops, bulb like towers and people who can’t dress for all the tea in Tescos.

Went for a nice stroll about town last evening after the less adventurous of the party had gone to bed at 9.30. The street life is pleasingly livid, and folks love a promenade just for the hell of it. I ended up walking round the big castle in near total darkness with a couple of hundred other souls just out for the walk. Happily I stumbled across a rave in the ramparts. Only a handful of folks had actually paid to get in, but a hundred or so yoots were scattered across the top of the battlements dancing for free, the disco lights projecting their skanking frames magnified ten fold in shadow across the castle walls.
I lovely introduction to town – I think I’m going to like it here.
Just went for a wander off up the shops, and I found a polling station for today’s elections. From what I could see it was mainly very old folks who were voting. Quite where that’ll leave us for safety after the results tonight is anyone’s guess – but aren’t old folk terribly fond of the old days?
Anyway, Chicagoan noise merchants Shellac are playing in town tonight, and I really do fancy a go on that. If I can battle my way through the post election unrule to get there.