Rosé and I have arrived in the incredibly impressive press centre. The approach to the venue is stunning, the enormous flag in the eponymous square has to be seen to be believed, it’s enormous! We made in into the arena just in time to see Loreen do a run through with the snow effect. She’s clearly holding back at the moment, and whilst several people think it looks odd in the hall it’s all about the camera angles on the screens. We’ve hot-footed it back to the press centre now to start catching up with a day missed in transit. Georgia’s up now – looking inexplicably engaging! There’s a lady parading around in a red frock and Anri is doing what only Anri can.
We’ve had a lovely cup of çay and I’m eyeing up some balaclava and candied fruits. They do treat us well here.
Oh, and in what may be a blogosphere first with a photo of our man here’s the Hump and me at the airport yesterday.
Monty x
He’s married;)
Edible balaclavas now? Whatever next! 😉 Well done on cornering Engelbert so early on!