Good morning On Europeans. I’m a little behind today. I decided that last night would be my early night after feeling exhausted part way throught Roman Lob’s party. It did turn out to be an early finish though sadly an early morning one, at around 4.30am. I’m a little shatterted today. I hope you’ve enjoyed the video blog: we must do it earlier in the evening next time…
Not much to add to the write up of the first rehearsal and the video, but it is still all hard to call. My biggest moments were Albania (that voice!), Romania (that squeezebox player!) and Russia (that cute tiny babushka!). I think there’s only 4 songs that aren’t going through and they are: Montenegro, Finland, San Marino and Austria. Any of the other 14 could qualify, but sticking my neck out I will say they will be Hungary, Israel, Belgium and Latvia.
So that leaves: Iceland, Greece, Albania, Romania, Switzerland, Cyprus, Denmark, Russia, Moldova and Ireland.
Right, I need to drag myself to lunch!
Monty x
Everyone assumes that Ireland is qualifying but I reckon Jedward might be up the Liffey without a paddle. In northern Europe we kinda get the whole Jedward schtick (deranged choreography and shite vocals) but I wonder how it’s seen elsewhere? Any maybe the judges will give ‘Waterline’ the score it deserves?
We’ll see tonight! 🙂
The gimmick is looking good on stage and they have a killer draw and momentum, but who knows? Enjoy the show!