Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2022 – Part 22 – Latvia

Citi Zēni – Eat Your Salad

The whole point of a joke entry is to make the listener laugh. This song does not do that, not in the most remote of ways.

It’s a joke that is revealed in the first line of the song and which wears very thin very quickly and, of course, the joke can’t be told to its fullest extent because Eurovision is a family show.

With any fun emasculated from the outset, you just get (for me) a random three minute splurge of words that make very little sense … until you listen to them for the second time where you realise it’s an ode to being green.

I prefer Kermit to be honest.

Phil’s Score.   0 Points (because its mean-spirited to take points away)

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2 years ago

Eco friendly smut. Not my bag.