Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2018 – Israel

Of all the performers taking part in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, Netta is the one I see as being truly able to use the platform to launch a bigger career. The few clips I have seen suggest someone who oozes creativity. Very much a stand-out charismatic performer.

Her energy and musicality reminds me of Beth Ditto, and that’s no bad thing.

But now for the song. In Netta’s hands, ‘Toy’ is memorable, quirky, fun – all good things for a song contest, but strip away the glitter and it’s very ordinary. The lyric isn’t terribly clever, and there’s a hint of bandwagon going on. I’ve heard the acoustic covers doing the rounds, and they merely confirm, that it’s the singer more than the song that makes it.

And let’s take a po-faced moment to remember, it’s the Eurovision SONG Contest.

The video is also great fun. But will the atmosphere translate, or will the hype overwhelm when Netta hits the Lisbon stage? I want this to work, I really do.

History repeating

This time last year, the bookmakers offered minuscule odds on a charismatic singer with an uptempo song, accompanied by a gorilla. It’s March 2018, and they’re doing it again with another charismatic singer with another uptempo song. No gorilla, but plenty of chicken noises.

Netta and Salvador are poles apart musically, but both have brought something individual and charming to the show.

I hate to sit on fences, but (much as I love the attitude that Netta has going on) ‘Toy’ could go either way. If there’s any justice, it’s going to be in the top five on Saturday, not jettisoned midweek.

<whisper> I want it to win </whisper>