If there’s one thing you can say about Georgia at Eurovision it’s that their entries have been diverse. 2019 is no change. It’s a powerful but plodding, stirring ballad, with Oto looming over it all butch and brooding. He’s on a high after winning the ticket via Georgian Idol, and was one of two finalists to perform a version of this song. His was the better, though his rival would have made for better eye candy at the Contest.
To be honest, I’m not sure what to make of it. I’m rarely stumped for words, but I found I had to skip ahead of this and come back to try to write it several times, which is completely out of kilter for me when I write the Countdown. I usually stick to strict alphabetical order.
I don’t dislike this but equally there’s nothing to hook me in. Nor will there be for the average viewer, I’ll wager, though as your average viewer only watches the final I suspect they won’t be getting to see it.
My marks: 4 points