Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – Part 1 – Albania

As prefaced by Mo, This is the start of my countdown.  About 6000 words and 41 articles.  My god you people are lucky as f**k to have us!

The first lines of the official bio sort of set the tone for this song – Jonida Maliqi is a singer with a unique voice and an unmistakable style”  of that there is no doubt, but I’m not sure what that is.

The first few seconds remind me of the theme to a Doctor Who series, and then it wends its way through three minutes of typical Albanian ballad, with lots of emoting and hand movements from the backing singers in the preview video.  

The odd note dropped from Jonida did nothing to change my mind on this song. It really is just a woman moaning at me for three minutes, and not in an “oooh matron” kind of way.

Televoters have nothing to hang onto, and juries will see better songs.

Phil’s score – 2 points


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5 years ago

I like the drums leading melody in this song but, unfortunately, after 2 listens I am not smarter about what the song is about or even have any emotional connection to the song.
Well, at least they kept it in Albanian.