Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – Part 20 – Ireland


It is politically incorrect to say that the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture of Sarah was “Single Mother”?  Anyway, moving on to the song and without reading the lyrics I’m not sure whether the titular 22 is a bus, number of her boyfriend or age or what.

The song is bang average and therein lies its major flaw. It’s unremarkable in a sea of unremarkable. Well written? Yes. Performed well? Yes. Strong enough to actively pick the phone up? No… not at all because there are, as we have said before, already twelve songs battling for ten spots to start, couple that with it being in the first half up against Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Armenia, and it’s easy to see how this gets forgotten.

Phil’s score – 3 points.

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5 years ago

Well Phil, according to Cornald Maas when presenting the song at Eurovision in Concert, the title of the song refer to the house number of her ex-boy friend. Another insignificant fact that come in use on your next Eurovision pub quiz 🙂

I don’t think it’s bad. It’s definitely not the Irish ballad we were getting in the last 4-5 years, but it’s been done very cheap. As if no one really care about this year contest. There is a potential here but someone forgot to put a big production and to arrange this, musically, in a way that grabs my attention. The running order suggest what Björkman thinks about this song