Croatia. Or as they were christened the last time – when Jacques Houdek sang – “Fucking Croatia”.
In news that suited my eyes, for the first twelve minutes of this rehearsal we saw nothing, as the screens were not turned on. When they burst into life, oh boy, this got no better from my weary vantage point.
The camera started upside down and swirled round Roko as he was on the floor, and then the background started going through the strata of the crust of the earth … until his assent to heaven finally completed.
The mincing angels added nothing, in my opinion, apart from being on hand to complete this dog’s breakfast by giving Roko his wings.
As we said before, as a piece of story telling it’s very good, and Roko seemed to believe the narrative, which is a plus. But, let’s face it, it looked hideous and contrived, and could be described as a living cliche.
Is it qualifying? – MAYBE