6 June – I don’t need a crystal ball

We’ve got another of the Class of 2021 today. You know the Class – Some of them were the unlucky ones from the Class of 2020, who were given another chance. And we know that those alumni from both the Class of 2022 and 2021 had mixed fortunes.

I say the unlucky ones, because you’ll soon gather why this term is apt. Today’s birthday boy Uku Suviste won Eesti Laul 2020 with the highest of hopes. As we know, he then had to try again in Eesti Laul 2021, winning that and eventually getting to sunny Rotterdam. As we also know, it was perhaps the two years of trying for the big time that got to Uku, because he couldn’t get out of his tough semi-final making him an unlucky lucky one. On the plus side, his score was split exactly 50/50 between the juries and televoters. Does that mean his song was perfectly pitched?

Uku is 40 today.

Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Uku!